What to expect:



From Robert Treat Parkway, pull into the driveway closest to our church sign (see blue arrow in picture). We have a fair amount of parking along the outer perimeter of the ‘U’ of our driveway—parallel parking along the outer edges of the side driveways, and pull-in parking along the edge of the grass in the back. There is also plenty of parking along the street.

Enter the building via the double green doors marked ‘Entrance’ on either side of the building.



Trinity has been blessed from its earliest days with a building that is entirely handicapped accessible. Neither of the church’s primary entrances (on the sides of the building) have any stairs, and the layout of the building is all on one floor. Further, our two-seater pew benches are readily movable, allowing us to create wheelchair-friendly spots as needed in our worship space. We hope that all people of every ability will feel welcome here.



The sounds of children in worship are the sounds of life—we love to have children worshiping with us! Counter-intuitive as it may sound, we recommend sitting nearer the front so the kids can see what’s happening, and be more engaged. If your child is “having a moment”, you can also bring them out to the nursery room, which has a speaker in it so that you can continue to hear the worship service. Kids aged 4 and up are invited to go to Sunday School, which now starts at the same time as worship (9:15a); kids return to worship at about the mid-point, during the hymn of the day.


 Sunday Worship

In the fall of 2022, we adopted a single combined service of holy communion every Sunday. We begin at 9:15a. Our worship is a fairly traditional Lutheran liturgy. Starting in the fall of 2023, Sunday School now begins at the same time.

As noted above, our entire building is handicapped accessible. Also know that we have a casual “come as you are” approach (some folks dress up, some dress down, it’s all good).